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Cover Image For VASSAR FACULTY NOVEL "WOMEN'S WORKS: 1603-1625 VOL. 3"


No single library on the planet can stand besides this unique collection of writings by and about extraordinary women of the British Isles, compiled by Vassar faculty member Donald W. Foster. "Women's Works," Volume 1, gathers the best in women's literature from the Celts and Anglo Saxons through the six wives of Henry VIII; with astonishing glimpses into the private lives of queens, midwives, heretics and nuns. Volume 2 covers the reigns of queens Jane (9 days), Mary, and Elizabeth I, with selections from wits, witches, and lovers. Volume 3 provides a rich assembly of women poets, playwrights, and proto-feminists of the Jacobean period. And Volume 4 presents a gallery of female poets, lovers, rebels, and wits of the Caroline and Civil War eras. Twenty-five years in the making, WOMEN'S WORKS sets forth a thousand years of women's history, from women's point of view, much of its content supplied by previously unpublished manuscripts (in modern spelling) and a lively commentary throughout, by leading scholars who actually know how to write.

Item: 098828206

Price: $29.95

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